Open Trust Fabric Webinar

Project Mapping the EU economy as an ecosystem of contracts – Update

There has been much press coverage relating to the changing nature of national and global economies including the rise of digital platforms and services. This is increasingly a ‘hot topic’ and following our first webinar on the Open Trust Fabric in November 2020, we are delighted to be able to be hosting a second virtual OTF event.

This webinar will update WorldCC and OTF members on the progress of our research and our findings incorporated in our latest report.

The aim of the OPEN TRUST FABRIC alliance is to create an open and inclusive ecosystem of contributors focused on creating an innovative approach for both reporting the economy as an ecosystem of contracts and actually implementing it. This requires us to operate at the intersection of the legal, accounting, and technology worlds in order to measure and enhance benefits for individuals, businesses, and society.

Join WorldCC CEO Sally Guyer, Trakti co-founder and CEO Luigi Telesca and WorldCC Fellow and Director of Kommercialize Adrian Furner as they update you with our exciting findings and explain how you can get involved with the Open Trust Fabric.

(Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash)